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Keeping the Pests Where They Belong Where do ants, cockroaches, and mice have in common? They are all pests that belong inside, but that love to venture inside your home. If you do see them inside, you need to take action fast — because this is not where they should be! Pests are not just a nuisance. They can spread disease, destroy your insulation and other building materials, and leave nasty smells behind. Every homeowner should know the basics about pest control. Yes, you can call in a professional as needed, but knowing the basics will still help you keep the pests outside where they belong. You can learn those basics right here on this blog.



Tips For Preventing Mice From Getting Into Your Emergency Food Supplies

Having mice in your home is rarely an enjoyable experience, particularly when they multiply and use your emergency food supply as their bistro. Many people keep their emergency food supply hidden away in the basement, closets, water heater closet, or deep corners of the pantry. By the time they notice that a mice infestation has delved into their emergency food stock, the number of mice can be overwhelming and require a pest control company to remove them from the home. 

If you have emergency food stored in an area that gets little to no traffic, here are several things you can do to prevent mice from using your food storage as an all-you-can-eat buffet. 

Call Pest Control Services to Inspect Your Home

The first thing you should do is call a pest control company to inspect your entire home to see if you already have a mice problem and, if not, to see if there are any possible entry points that mice could use in the future. If you already have mice, the pest control service can set out traps to capture and/or kill the mice. They can seal the entry points, such as cracks and holes, whether you have mice or to prevent them in the future. 

Place Food Supplies In Rodent Proof Containers

It's important to place your emergency food supplies in containers they can't chew through. Surprisingly enough, mice can chew through plastic, so you'll want to avoid using plastic containers unless they are thick and you can inspect them occasionally. Ideally, use metal or glass containers or metal storage cabinets. If you choose something with a lid, be sure it can be tightly sealed shut. Doing this will also help keep the mice from smelling the food. If you have no choice but to use plastic containers, be sure they are thick and occasionally inspect them for signs of damage. 

Place Audible Mouse Traps Near Your Food Supplies 

Since you rarely go into the area where your emergency food supplies are, use audible mouse traps so you can be alerted by an alarm if a trap catches a mouse. You can get these devices from a pest control company, and they'll be able to tell you where the best places are to place the traps. Audible traps use batteries, so you'll need to check them occasionally for battery power based on the manufacturer's directions or the advice of your pest control company. 
