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Keeping the Pests Where They Belong Where do ants, cockroaches, and mice have in common? They are all pests that belong inside, but that love to venture inside your home. If you do see them inside, you need to take action fast — because this is not where they should be! Pests are not just a nuisance. They can spread disease, destroy your insulation and other building materials, and leave nasty smells behind. Every homeowner should know the basics about pest control. Yes, you can call in a professional as needed, but knowing the basics will still help you keep the pests outside where they belong. You can learn those basics right here on this blog.



Raccoons On Your Land? Follow These Dos And Don'ts

Raccoons may be cute with their masked faces and tiny hands, but they are also quite a nuisance when they decide to move onto your land full-time. They carry rabies, can get aggressive with dogs and cats, and have been known to pry trash cans open, creating big messes. If you are starting to see a lot of raccoons on your property or have discovered them nesting on your land, here are some dos and don'ts to follow as you endeavor to get rid of them.

Do: Immediately make sure no food is accessible.

As soon as you notice raccoons are a problem, take steps to make sure they will no longer find food on your property. Chances are, that's why they moved in initially; raccoons like to nest near a good food source. Put some cinder blocks on your trash can so that these bandits can't get in. If you have a garden, cover your tomatoes and similar produce with wire cages. (And make sure those cages are secure since raccoons can be pretty crafty.) 

Don't: Attempt to trap and remove them yourself.

Raccoons can carry rabies, and they can get pretty aggressive. It is not safe to trap them yourself. Instead, call a wildlife removal company. They have appropriate traps to trap raccoons safely, and most wildlife trappers are vaccinated for rabies, so they won't be at risk of contracting this deadly disease.

Do: Make sure your home and garage are secure.

Do this even before the wildlife removal team arrives. Make sure there are no holes in your garage or home roof, windows, doors, or foundation. You can nail boards over any holes to temporarily seal them shut. Use caulk to seal any cracks. No, a raccoon can't fit through a crack, but they can easily pry cracks open and sneak in. Having raccoons in your yard is annoying; having them in your home is an outright disaster, so make sure they can't get in.

Don't: Assume they're all gone after one trapping appointment.

After your wildlife removal team leaves, keep your eyes open. If you notice signs of additional raccoons, call your wildlife removal team back and let them know there are still more critters to trap. You don't want to wait, or else the raccoons may breed and you'll have even more to get rid of.

Raccoons can be a real pain, but wildlife removal experts are skilled at trapping and relocating them, so don't hesitate to call. For more information about professional wildlife removal, contact a local removal company, like Virginia Pest Removal.
